Table 5.

Changes in recognition and management between phase one and phase two

Phase onePhase two
Number of AKI cases262234
Documented, n (%)178 (67.9)178 (76.1)
Volume assessment, n (%)129 (49.2)137 (58.5)
Urinalysis, n (%)109 (41.8)124 (54.1)
Nephrotoxic medications stopped, n (%)143 (80.8)128 (83.1)
Ultrasound requested, n (%)47 (65.3)35 (63.6)
  • This table describes the changes in clinical recognition and management between phase one and phase two. The data are only taken from the 10 hospitals that were involved in both phases of the study to allow direct comparisons to be made. AKI = acute kidney injury.