Table 2.

Summary of results pre- and post-intervention

Outcome measureCycle 1 (pre-intervention)Cycle 2 (post-intervention)p values
Total number of patients, n181176N/A
A CPR status in EPR toolbar, n (%)181 (100)176 (100)N/A
Number with DNACPR, n (%)133 (73)126 (72)p=0.6
Explanatory e-DNACPR form present, n (%)113 (85)126 (100)p<0.0001
Decision made within 48 hours of admission, n (%)82 (62)91 (72)p=0.07
DNACPR communicated to GP on discharge, n (%)27 (79)71 (90)p<0.0001
Documented discussion with:
patient or relative, n (%)92 (69)87 (69)p=0.98
MDT, n (%)17 (13)72 (57)p<0.0001
senior doctor,a n (%)115 (86)117 (93)p=0.09
  • a= ST3 registrar or above; CPR = cardiopulmonary resuscitation; DNACPR = do not attempt cardiopulmonary resuscitation; EPR = electronic patient record; MDT = multidisciplinary team; N/A = not applicable.