Table 1.

Participant confidence in technical skills

Confidence statement (technical skills)Pearson's coefficientp-value
I am confident in recognising an unwell patient0.30<0.05
I know who to call in a medical emergency0.31<0.05
I know when it is appropriate to escalate to a senior0.35<0.05
I am confident I can give a clear SBAR handover in an emergency0.50<0.01
I know where the drugs that may be required during an emergency are located0.40<0.01
I know where to obtain equipment for IV access, ABG analysis and bloods tests in an emergency0.42<0.01
I am confident to start initial management in a medical emergency (eg sepsis, DKA, anaphylaxis)0.32<0.05
  • ABG = arterial blood gas; DKA = diabetic ketoacidosis; IV = intravenous; SBAR = situation, background, assessment, recommendation.