Box 1.

Training recommendations for all specialties

  • Support: consider what support trainees will require in the future.

  • Rotas: avoid ‘see-sawing’ trainees between specialty training and Covid-19 specific rotas.

  • CREST: review the support for trainees who have not undertaken a relevant UK equivalent core training programme and who will therefore be entering training using the Certificate of Readiness for Specialty training (CREST) or, in the future, the new ‘alternative certificate’ which is to replace it. It is also important that the process for deciding on placement of trainees within localities is more transparent and doesn't disadvantage protected groups, particularly Black, Asian and minority ethnic (BAME) trainees and international medical graduates.

  • Virtual outpatient clinics: consider how best to provide the skills required for virtual clinics. In addition, the nature of trainer supervision will be different and a new assessment tool for such clinics may be required. Trainers should consider how such clinics should be organised, including having dedicated training clinics, how trainers can ‘vet’ patients and how to organise pre- and post-clinic debriefing and discussion.

  • Clinical reasoning: ensure that there is an increased focus on training in clinical problem solving and critical thinking. This will benefit both patients and the service since it will help to ensure that future consultants maximise these skills to focus investigation and promote efficient use of resources.

  • Provide guidance: re-emphasise to trainers the importance of providing guidance and provide further training for them on the specific components of the new curricula that are being developed so that they are better able to do this

  • Courses: review recommended courses and justify their necessity, bearing in mind equity of access across the four nations.