Table 4.

Validation cohort characteristics and trajectories; emergency department attendances 1 September – 23 October 2020

DemographicsAll patients, n=134COVID-19 positive, n=47COVID-19 negative or swab not done, n=87
Age, median (IQR)41 (28–56)47 (29–60)37 (27–53)
Female, n (%)68 (50.7)23 (48.9)45 (51.7)
Characteristics at ED presentation
Oxygen saturation, %, median (IQR)97.5 (96–99)96 (95.5–98)96 (96–98)
C-reactive protein, mg/L, median (IQR)8.4 (1.3–25.4)11 (3.7–24.7)6.9 (0.6–25.6)
Cohort trajectories
Number of telephone encounters, median (range)1 (1–8)2 (1–8)1 (1–5)
Total reattendances, n (%)12 (9.0)7 (14.6)5 (5.7)
Planned reattendances, n (%)5 (3.7)3 (6.2)2 (2.3)
Planned reattendances leading to admissions, n (%)2 (1.5)2 (1.3)
Unplanned reattendances, n (%)7 (5.2)a4 (8.3)b3 (3.4)
Unplanned reattendances leading to admissions, n (%)3 (2.2)3 (6.2)
  • Missing data: oxygen saturation (2) and C-reactive protein (12).

  • a of which five had been uncontactable by the telephone clinic;

  • b of which two had been uncontactable; ED = emergency department; IQR = interquartile range.