Table 1.

Pilot cohort: patient demographics and characteristics at emergency department presentation, 27 April – 3 June 2020

DemographicsAll patients, n=192
Age, years, median (IQR)43 (32–55)
Female, n (%)96 (50.0)
Never smoker, n (%)97 (50.5)
HCW or recent healthcare exposure, n (%)45 (23.4)
Lives alone, n (%)55 (28.6)
Day of illness, median (IQR)13 (3–28)
Oxygen saturation, %, median (IQR)98 (97–99)
Respiratory rate, breaths per minute, median (IQR)18 (17–19)
C-reactive protein, mg/L, median (IQR)2.2 (0.7–11.0)
Chest X-ray abnormality (any), n (%)43 (22.4)
D-dimer, μg/L, median (IQR)a355 (210–585)
CTPA positive for pulmonary embolismb2/22
Swabbed for SARS-CoV-2 in ED, n (%)153 (79.69)
  • Missing data: smoking status (10), household status (10), C-reactive protein (16), oxygen saturation (6), respiratory rate (5) and day of illness (5). Twenty patients did not have chest X-rays at ED attendance.

  • a D-dimer was checked in 80 patients (low risk 52; medium risk 22; high risk 6);

  • b 22 patients had CTPAs (low risk 10; medium risk 9; high risk 3). CTPA = computed tomography pulmonary angiography; HCW = healthcare worker; IQR = interquartile range.