
What is known?
Studies from previous pandemics have shown adverse psychological impact on healthcare professionals (HCPs).
What is the question?
Has anxiety increased in HCPs in the UK during the COVID-19 pandemic? What are the specific causes and what support do HCPs want for their mental health and wellbeing?
What was found?
Perceived anxiety in HCPs has increased in the UK during the COVID-19 pandemic. Causes were wide ranging, but the main reasons were related to concerns about risk of exposure to SARS-CoV-2 and lack of PPE. A large proportion of HCPs felt there was inadequate support and identified what support they wanted.
What is the implication for practice now?
Strategic interventions to address the anxieties of HCPs are required as matter of urgency. A multi-faceted and collaborative local, regional and national approach is needed to address the breadth of support needs identified in this survey.