Box 1.

Semi-structured interview guide

Thank you for giving up your time to talk to me for this study. The purpose of this study is to understand the experiences of doctors undergoing appraisal. The study will involve a confidential interview which will be recorded and transcribed. This research is voluntary and confidential, you can withdraw at any time during the interview. The results of the study can be shared with you at the end of the study if you wish.
Warm up
I am interested in doctors' experiences of appraisal. Please can you tell me about your experiences of appraisal?
Main body
Can I ask how would you describe appraisal to newly qualified doctors?
What are your expectations of appraisal conversations?
Tell me about how you would conduct an appraisal conversation with a colleague.
Tell me about any aspects of appraisal conversations that you have found helpful and why.
Tell me about any aspects of appraisal conversations that you have found unhelpful and why.
I am interested in doctors' experiences of feedback given in appraisal meetings, can you tell me about your experiences of receiving feedback in appraisal meetings?
Can you tell me about whether or not you think appraisal is useful? (Probes: useful to whom and why.)
Do you think appraisal could be improved and, if so, how?
(Other probes: What do you mean by ‘x’? Can you tell me a bit more about that? Why is that important?)
Cool off
So, we have to complete this interview shortly. I need to ask which year did you qualify from medical school and do you work full time?
Are there any questions you have for me?
Thank you for participating today.