Table 4.

Cases manually reclassified into symptom groups based on National Institute for Health and Care Excellence 2005 and 2015 referral criteria and their association with central nervous system cancer

Referral criteriaFrequency, n (%)CNS cancer, nPPV, % (95% CI)NPV, % (95% CI)
2005 criteria
 Symptoms related to the CNS135 (88.2)43.0 (2.8–3.1)100.0
 New onset headaches becoming progressively  severe or with features of raised ICP94 (61.4)22.1 (0.8–5.5)96.6 (91.3–98.7)
 Subacute focal or non-focal neurological deficit63 (41.2)23.2 (1.2–8.2)97.8 (94.2–99.2)
 Suspected recent-onset seizures14 (9.2)00.097.1 (97.0–97.2)
 Behavioural and cognitive symptoms19 (12.4)15.3 (1.0–24.3)97.8 (96.1–98.7)
2015 criteria
 Progressive, sub-acute loss of central neurological  function20 (13.7)00.097.0 (96.8–97.2)
  • CNS = central nervous system; ICP = intracranial pressure; NPV = negative predictive value; PPV = positive predictive value.