Table 1.

Complications of sickle cell disease

Painful crisisPulmonary hypertension and heart failure
Chest crisisRenal failure
Splenic sequestration crisisaLiver failure
Aplastic crisisbCerebrovascular disease
Cerebrovascular eventcAvascular necrosis of the hip
DactylitisLeg ulcers
Acute thrombotic eventGallstones
Chronic pain
Impact on education/learning opportunities
  • aTypically only occurs in the under 5-year-olds with haemoglobin SS disease;

  • bAssociated with parvovirus B19;

  • cPatients with sickle cell disease are predisposed to both ischaemic and haemorrhagic stroke; ischaemic stroke associated with sickle cell disease is treated with exchange transfusion rather than typical stroke management.