Table 1.

Definitions relating to the National Early Warning Score 2 used in the study

ObservationSet of vital signs recorded at the bedside. Taken together, each set is amalgamated to the NEWS2 score.
Vital sign scoreIndicates how far each vital sign deviates from a set normal range, calculated at collection of each observation with a weighting of 0–3.
NEWS2 scoreNEWS2 was published by the RCP in 2017 and mandated for use across the NHS in the UK.
NEWS2 is an aggregate early warning score.
NEWS2 is a continuous variable from a minimum score of 0 to a maximum of 20.
Scale 1Oxygen target scale for NEWS2: for use in patients with no evidence of type 2 respiratory failure. Target saturations 94%–98%.
Scale 2Oxygen target scale for NEWS2: for use in patients with evidence of type 2 respiratory failure; used in all patients with diagnosis of COPD in line with clinical practice. Target saturations 88%–92%.
Cut pointsNEWS2 scores at which certain actions are advised as per the protocol published by the RCP:
NEWS2 score of 5 or more: Minimum hourly observations; registered nurse to immediately inform medical team and request urgent assessment within 1 hour by a clinician with core competencies in care of acutely ill patients; provide clinical care in an environment with monitoring facilities.
NEWS2 score of less than 5 but a single score of 3 in any one category: Separate category in original scoring protocol but clinically treated the same as a score of 5 or 6.
NEWS2 score of 7 or more: Continuous monitoring of vital signs; registered nurse to inform registrar or above in medical team; emergency assessment within 30 minutes by team with critical care competencies and advanced airway management skills; consider transfer to level 2 or 3 area with clinical care in an environment with monitoring facilities.
  • COPD = National Early Warning Score 2; RCP = Royal College of Physicians.