Table 1.

Demographic characteristics of survey respondents: Health Information National Trends Survey, 2020

Knowledge of clinical trialsTotalDon't knowKnow a little bitKnow a lotp-value
Unweighted, n3,7721,4061,930436
Weighted, n (%)249,896,898103,224,262 (41.3)123,208,910 (49.3)23,463,727 (9.4)
Non-Hispanic White, n (%)2,209 (63.2)696 (37.4)1,237 (52.3)276 (10.1)
Non-Hispanic Black, n (%)548 (11.7)229 (41.8)268 (51.5)51 (6.68)
Hispanic, n (%)585 (16.2)301 (51.8)229 (40.4)55 (7.66)
Other, n (%)297 (8.7)114 (45.9)141 (43.3)42 (10.7)
Less than high school, n (%)266 (8.00)177 (68.1)75 (29.6)14 (2.15)
High school graduate, n (%)686 (22.3)396 (53.5)262 (44.1)28 (2.28)
Some college, n (%)1,061 (39.2)407 (41.8)577 (51.6)77 (6.46)
College or higher, n (%)1,640 (30.3)366 (23.8)971 (55.9)303 (20.1)
Family income0.0001
>$20,000, n (%)725 (16.4)369 (50.1)290 (41.2)66 (8.52)
$20,000–$34,999, n (%)472 (11.2)203 (43.3)231 (50.6)38 (5.97)
$35,000–$49,999, n (%)507 (12.5)209 (49.4)250 (42.5)48 (7.98)
$50,000–$74,999, n (%)640 (17.9)232 (39.0)352 (54.1)56 (6.86)
$75,000, n (%)1,411 (41.7)384 (35.8)799 (51.8)228 (12.3)
Employed, n (%)1,684 (52.9)546 (38.7)918 (50.2)220 (11.0)
Not employed, n (%)2,022 (47.0)827 (43.8)988 (48.8)207 (7.29)
Health insurance0.001
Yes, n (%)3,531 (90.9)1,290 (39.2)1,826 (50.7)415 (10.0)
No, n (%)195 (9.01)96 (60.1)86 (36.0)13 (3.80)
General health0.0002
Excellent, n (%)434 (12.3)115 (32.4)230 (49.5)89 (17.9)
Very good, n (%)1,337 (37.4)437 (39.4)731 (50.5)169 (10.0)
Good, n (%)1,368 (36.1)548 (43.0)695 (50.6)125 (6.34)
Fair, n (%)509 (12.0)239 (48.5)228 (43.4)42 (8.03)
Poor, n (%)105 (2.01)56 (55.7)38 (35.7)11 (8.44)
Patient portal use<0.0001
No, n (%)2,165 (59.7)997 (48.9)993 (45.2)175 (5.77)
Yes, n (%)1,529 (40.2)369 (28.7)908 (56.1)252 (15.0)
Online health information-seeking behaviour<0.0001
No, n (%)1,135 (27.5)641 (57.1)430 (38.9)64 (3.86)
Yes, n (%)2,637 (72.4)765 (35.2)1,500 (53.2)372 (11.4)
Number of visits to provider0.002
0, n (%)494 (16.8)246 (52.0)200 (41.7)48 (6.18)
1–2, n (%)1,248 (37.3)459 (42.5)650 (48.2)139 (9.18)
3–4, n (%)1,083 (24.3)391 (35.1)567 (55.2)125 (9.59)
≥5, n (%)915 (21.5)295 (37.6)499 (50.1)121 (12.1)