Table 3.

Symptom control for the patients (n=65) managed on the PDOC guideline palliative care protocol

Protocol featuresGood symptom controlDifficult symptom controlAll
Protocol stage* N (%)147 (94%)7 (47%)54 (83%)
22 (4%)6 (40%)8 (12%)
31 (2%)2 (13%)3 (5%)
PDOC diagnosis at deathComa2 (4%)-2 (3%)
VS23 (46%)8 (53%)31 (48%)
MCS20 (40%)7 (47%)27 (42%)
Emerged5 (10%)-5 (8%)
CANH withdrawn N (%)Yes29 (58%)8 (53%)37 (57%)
No21 (42%)7 (46%)28 (43%)
Max dose morphine mg/24 hrsMean (95%CI)33 (27, 41)90 (61, 120)46 (36, 58)
Max dose midazolam mg/24 hrsMean (95%CI)35 (28, 42)76 (58, 91)44 (36, 52)
Other medications N (%)Levomepromazine1 (2%)5 (33%)6 (9%)
Phenobarbitone2 (4%)3 (20%)5 (8%)
Anti-emetics9 (16%)6 (40%)15 (23%)
Drying agents2 (4%)4 (27%)6 (9%)
Other2 (4%)2 (3%)
Mode of deathBronchopneumonia26 (52%)8 (53%)34 (52%)
Multi-organ failure18 (36%)5 (33%)23 (35%)
Respiratory failure2 (4%)2 (13%)4 (6%)
Cardiac event/failure2 (4%)2 (3%)
Other2 (4%)2 (3%)
  • For full description of palliative care protocol stages see Tables 5.2b and 5.2c of the national PDOC guidelines.6 CANH = clinically assisted nutrition and hydration; PDOC = prolonged disorder of consciousness.