Table 1.

The spectrum of AKI encountered in patients with HIV.

Commonly encountered conditionsExamples
> Acute tubular injury> Hypovolaemia, sepsis, nephrotoxic drugs
> ‘Acute’ presentations of CKD> See table 3
> Anti-microbial toxicity> ATI (eg co-trimoxazole, amphotericin)
> TIN (eg co-trimoxazole, rifampicin)
> Crystalluria (aciclovir and sulphadiazine)
> Renal parenchymal infection> Renal TB
> Viral nephropathies (eg CMV, BK – rare)
> Neoplasia> Infiltration/obstruction eg by lymphoma
HIV treatment-associated
> cART nephropathy> ATI (tenofovir)
> Crystalluria/stone obstruction (atazanavir or indinavir)
> TIN (especially atazanavir)
> Immune reconstitution inflammatory syndrome (IRIS)
HIV-virus associated (rare)
> Immune complex glomerulonephritis
> Thrombotic microangiopathy
> Diffuse infiltrative lymphocytic syndrome
Other conditions
> Rhabdomyloysis
> Recreational drug toxicity> Cocaine (vasospasm, hypertension, rhabdo)
> Ketamine (obstructive uropathy)
> Acute glomerulonephritis> Bacterial endocarditis
> HBV / HCV co-infection
> Post-infectious glomerulonephritis
> Tubulo-interstital nephritis> Drug induced eg antibiotics, PPIs
  • AKI = acute kidney injury; ATI = acute tubular injury; cART = combination anti-retroviral therapy; CMV = cytomegalovirus; HIVAN = HIV-associated nephropathy; PI = protease inhibitor; PPI = proton-pump inhibitor; TIN = tubulo-interstitial nephritis.