Table 2.

Holistic needs identified at initial assessment and concerns thermometer scores.

Holistic needsPrevalence of holistic needs, n (%) (n = 192)Concerns thermometer scoresFrequency of score, n (%) (n = 192)
Worry, anxiety and fear96 (50)031 (16)
Memory and concentration problems81 (42)114 (7)
Problems making plans69 (36)212 (6)
Anger or feelings of guilt66 (34)318 (9)
Sadness and depression63 (33)49 (5)
Sexual concerns61 (32)59 (5)
Housing or financial concerns53 (28)616 (8)
Caring responsibilities44 (23)727 (14)
Concerns about relationships with others38 (20)823 (12)
Loneliness and isolation36 (19)912 (6)
Loss of meaning or purpose in life29 (15)105 (3)
Regrets about the past29 (15)Missing score16 (8)
Feelings of hopelessness29 (15)