Table 1.

Delivery of trust induction and mandatory training 2012.

TopicMode of deliveryDuration, h
Corporate welcomeFace to face3.5
Medical equipmentFace to face1
Loads and patient handlingFace to face3
Health and safetyFace to face1
Medical gas safetyFace to face1
Waste managementFace to face0.5
CounterfraudFace to face0.5
Information governanceFace to face1
IT systemsFace to face3
Safeguarding adults (level 1 and 2)e-learning (facilitated session on induction)1.5
Safeguarding children (level 1 and 2)e-learning (facilitated session on induction)1.5
Fire safetyFace to face1
Venous thromboembolisme-learning (facilitated session on induction)1
Medicines managemente-learning (facilitated session on induction)2
Equality and diversitye-learning (facilitated session on induction)1
Mental capacity act and deprivation of liberty safeguardse-learning (facilitated session on induction)2
Record keepingFace to face1
Basic life supportFace to face2
Infection prevention and controlFace to face1
Blood transfusionFace to face1
Total 29.5