Box 2.

Biochemistry question.

Question in multiple true/false format.
Lactase breaks down lactose into glucose and one other sugar.
What is the other sugar?
 A. fructose B. galactose C. maltose D. mannose E. sucrose
Answer B – galactose
This is a traditional biochemistry question in multiple true/false format, requiring simply the recall of a fact.
Question in single-best-answer format.
An 18-year-old woman had lactose intolerance. A dietitian advised her to add lactase to fresh milk several hours before drinking it, explaining that lactase works by breaking down the lactose in milk into glucose and one other sugar.
What other sugar was most likely mentioned?
 A. fructose B. galactose C. maltose D. mannose E. sucrose
Answer B – galactose
This question assesses the same knowledge but now through a clinical scenario. Candidates must read the whole scenario before applying their knowledge to that scenario, and answer in the ‘best of’ format that characterises a single-best-answer item.