Box 4.

Routine investigations for delirium

  • Vital observations – RR, temperature, BP, pulse, sats

  • Measure conscious level – AVPU

  • Blood glucose

  • Bloods – FBC, U&Es, Ca, LFTs, CRP

  • Electrocardiogram

  • Chest X-ray

  • Arterial blood gas

  • Urinalysis

  • Culture urine/blood/fluid as appropriate

  • Fluid balance

  • AVPU = conscious level score where A = alert, V = voice-responsive, P = pain-responsive and U = unresponsive; BP = blood pressure; Ca = calcium; CRP = C-reactive protein; FBC = full blood count; LFTs = liver biochemistry; RR = respiratory rate; sats = oxygen saturations; U&Es = urea and electrolytes