Box 1.

The ATS/ERS consensus statement for the diagnosis of IPF set out criteria for the optimal HRCT technique for evaluation of ILD1

Optimal HRCT technique for evaluation of ILD
  • Non-contrast scans obtained on full inspiration without respiratory motion.

  • Contiguous or non-contiguous axial scans with thin sections, reconstructed at ≤2 cm intervals.

  • Reconstructed slice collimation ≤2 mm.

  • High resolution reconstruction algorithm.

  • Field of view to include lungs only.

  • Expiratory scans are helpful to exclude lobular air trapping suggestive of hypersensitivity pneumonitis.

  • Prone scans if dependent density obscures detail on supine images.

  • Optional coronal and sagittal reconstructions if volumetric images are obtained.

  • ATS = American Thoracic Society; ERS = European Respiratory Society; HRCT = high resolution computerised tomography; ILD = interstitial lung disease; IPF = idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis