Table 3.

Multiple hierarchical regression examining predictors of performance in the MRCP(UK) diploma

BSE BLower bound 95% CIUpper bound 95% CIβ
MRCP(UK) part 1 (n=1,325)
Step 1 R 2=0.300, ∆F change=283.01 **
CMT shortlisting0.3320.0280.280.390.313 ***
CMT interview0.5150.0430.430.600.320 ***
Step 2 R 2=0.516, ∆R2=0.216, ∆F change=293.93 **
CMT shortlisting0.2330.0240.190.280.220 ***
CMT interview0.1220.0420.040.200.076 **
CPS0.1920.0080.180.210.581 ***
SJT–0.0180.008–0.03–0.00–0.056 *
MRCP(UK) part 2 written (n=1,035)
Step 1 R 2=0.167, ∆F change=103.54 **
CMT shortlisting0.0900.0190.050.130.152 ***
CMT interview0.3130.0320.250.380.315 ***
Step 2 R 2=0.356, ∆R2=0.189, ∆F change=151.18 **
CMT shortlisting0.0450.0170.010.080.076 **
CMT interview0.0880.0320.030.150.089 **
CPS0.0970.0060.090.110.462 ***
SJT0.0180.0060.010.030.094 **
PACES (n=979)
Step 1 R 2=0.216, ∆F change=134.74 **
CMT shortlisting0.2310.0580.120.340.127 ***
CMT interview1.2130.0981.021.410.393 ***
Step 2 R 2=0.279, ∆R2=0.063, ∆F change=42.38 **
CMT shortlisting0.1810.0560.070.290.100 **
CMT interview0.7600.1070.550.970.247 ***
CPS0.0790.0210.040.120.121 ***
SJT0.1320.0190.100.170.224 ***
  • *Significant at the p<0.05 level

  • **Significant at the p<0.01 level

  • ***Significant at the p<0.001 level;

  • SE = standard error; CI = confidence interval; ∆R2 = R-squared change; CMT = core medical training; CPS = clinical problem solving test; MRCP(UK) = membership of Royal College of Physicians (UK); PACES = practical assessment of clinical examination skills; SJT = situational judgement test.