Box 1.

History and investigations

Symptoms leading to current presentation
History of known liver disease
Previous decompensations/complications of liver disease
Previous endoscopies – any known varices?
Infective symptoms – fever, dysuria, shortness of breath, cough, painful or swollen joints, rashes
Bowel habit? Constipation? Meleana/haematemasis
Recent foreign travel
Abdominal pain or swelling
Alcohol consumption (units/day) – currently and in the past
Medications and compliance
Recreational drug use / over the counter medication
Initial baseline investigations
Blood tests: full blood count, C-reactive protein, urea and electrolytes, liver enzymes, coagulation, lactate, bone profile, magnesium, blood glucose, venous/arterial blood gas, alpha fetoprotein, alcohol level
Chest X-ray
Urinalysis, microscopy, culture and sensitivity
Blood cultures
Ascitic tap in those with ascites – white cell count and differential, culture and fluid albumin
Doppler ultrasound abdomen