Table 1.

NICE recommended parameters to indicate hypovolaemia or shocka

ParameterIndicator of hypovolaemiaIndicator of shock
Systolic blood pressure<100 mmHg<20 mmHg below baseline
Heart rate>90 beats/min>20 bpm above baseline
Capillary refill time>2 s>2 s
Respiratory rate>20 breaths/min>20 breaths/min
National Early Warning Score>4Not mentioned
Urine outputNot mentioned<0.3 mL/kg/h
Passive leg raiseFluid responsiveness demonstratedNot mentioned
  • aThis table summarises two sets of criteria that are listed at different points in NICE Clinical Guideline 174.4 One set of criteria is suggested for the diagnosis of hypovolaemia and the other as a means of diagnosing any form of shock.

  • h = hour; NICE = National Institute for Health and Care Excellence; s = seconds