Table 2.

Example implementation problems and solutions identified through PDSA cycles

Problems identifiedRoot causeSolutions
Patients potentially benefitting from preoperative clinic not being referredInitial selection of patients using frailty screening unsuccessfulMove to open access referral on basis of perceived frailty and multimorbidity
 CNS and surgeons did not have time to screen older patients for frailty 
Insufficient outpatient clinic capacity, delays in seeing patientsIncrease in referralsLiaison with outpatient lead nurse to provide clinical space for SpR to join clinic and run parallel clinic lists
Inadequate information sharingLetters not reliably incorporated into paper notes in time for surgeryClinic letters emailed to all stakeholders and uploaded to electronic database (and subsequently electronic case notes)
Inpatients potentially benefitting from medical review excluded by ageJunior members of the surgical team considered only older patients for inpatient reviewClearer communication of the role of service to junior surgical doctors
  Presence at surgical induction to explain role of service
Variable attendance of junior doctors at discharge planning MDT meetingTiming clashed with the heaviest burden of post-ward round jobsTiming of meeting movedSenior surgical support enlisted to emphasise importance of attendance
  • CNS = clinical nurse specialist; MDT = multidisciplinary team; PDSA = ‘plan, do study, act’; SpR = specialist registrar