Table 6.

PA motivations for a career in secondary/tertiary care

Answer themeIllustrative quote
The maturity of support available to themGood education and support. A trust that on a whole understands our strengths and limitations.
The variety of workloadOpportunity to learn more specialised healthcare practises, more diverse and complex patients, more emphasis on team work.
The possibility of rotating through specialtiesPreceptorship, teaching, good training opportunities in rotation, a role that would benefit from PAs and really value them in the team.
Increased career opportunityThe variety and pace of working would have more opportunity to learn new things. In a secondary care setting I would probably have more opportunity to keep up to date with my knowledge and skills which would be helpful with recertification.
An ability to work in acute and urgent careI also think it is important to have some hands on experience of emergency medicine and more complex cases, as would be found in these areas.