Table 2.

Factors which can confound pleural fluid interpretation

PF proteinDiuretic therapyConcentrated pleural effusion causing a higher level of PF protein or LDH and, therefore, leading to a misclassification as an exudate
PF pH12Air, time delay in processingFalsely elevates pH, all air should be expelled from the syringe and processing should occur within 4 hours
Local anaestheticFalsely lowers the pH
LoculationsDifferent locules of a pleural effusion can have different pH measurements
PF microbiologyContaminantsSkin commensals are occasionally cultured in PF. Positive PF cultures should be interpreted with caution if the biochemical PF results and clinical picture are not in keeping with infection
  • LDH = lactate dehydrogenase; PF = pleural fluid.