Table 1.

Some examples of a flipped learning in medical teaching, and our introductory week timetable using flipped learning approach

Homework (before the class session)Classwork
Review a YouTube video of a difficult consultation.Discuss positive and negative aspects of the consultation and what can be learnt from it.
Read a study of an intervention published in the medical literature.Discuss the positive and negative aspects of the study and decide what it means for clinical practice.
Watch a videoed lecture or series of videos on a topic.Discuss / work through clinical cases highlighting areas of importance learnt from the videos watched beforehand.
AMWatch videos on diabetesWatch videos on renal medicineWatch videos on endocrinologyEndocrinology case-based discussionWatch videos on breast surgery / urology
PMDiabetes case-based discussionRenal medicine case-based discussion-Endocrinology case-based discussionBreast surgery case-based discussion
Urology case-based discussion
  • AM = morning; PM = afternoon.